Friday, July 25, 2008

I talked to 2 girls!

Dear Diary:

Today, I talked to 2 girls! Separately! I was at the Capital Hill Block Party, which was really fun, and there were tons of people, including girl-type people. I don't remember exactly what I said to these aforementioned ladiez, but it included words and perhaps a little sprinkling of Jason is a Man Now Brand Charm™. I think at least one of them said words back! The important thing is that they did not run away, although it was really crowded so maybe they were stuck.

Being a man now is great!

Also, in addition to charming the ladies, I danced a little bit at the musical stylings of Girl Talk, my favorite bio-mechanical-engineer-turned-prolific-mash-up-artist-who-dances-like-a-crazy-person-while-typing-on-a-laptop-on-stage. I also swayed a little bit listening to the Dodo's. It was quite a block party for this guy! (Pretend I am pointing at myself when I am saying that).

After the Dodo's and the swaying and the more big PBRs please, I went outside and got lost (at least this is what my friends tell me.) SCENE MISSING, as they say. But somehow I ended up at a bar with Brian and Ian and Grant and some more beers, so all was okay in the end.

I wish it was Capital Hill Block Party EVERY DAY!

This is Jason the Man, signing off.

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